June 26, 2024

Academic and Student Affairs

Provost Briefing

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Institutional Priority #1

Promote Student Engagement and Success

2024-2025 Season

Season Sponsored by Sally McCracken & ​Bette Warren

a group of people standing around a table with posters on it

CURR 308 Final Poster Presentations

The Summer 2024 CURR 308 - Integrated Social Studies Methods course wrapped up on ​Thursday, June 13th with a presentation of students’ Final Inquiry Posters.

Students spent hours completing an inquiry on a ​topic of their choice over the course of six weeks.

With the valuable support of Matt Jones in EMU's ​archives, they conducted captivating oral history ​interviews with individuals connected to their ​chosen topics.

Amy Fyn from the library helped them dig deep ​into their research and led them to relevant, ​trustworthy sources.

a person is standing in front of a poster with information about the civil rights movement
a person standing next to a table with a poster on it
two people standing in front of a table with a poster on it

This course is an integral part of the College of Education’s mission to prepare the next generation of ​teachers with both academic and relevant, real-world skills.

Congratulations CURR 308 Students!

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Institutional Priority #2

High Performing Academic Programs & Quality Research

CHHS Faculty Conduct research on nature and ​virtual reality

This summer, faculty members from the College of Health and Human Services (Joan Cowdery and Jeff Schulz, Public Health Education ​& Lynne Shetron-Rama, Clinical Lab Sciences) are conducting a research study titled “Stress Response to Nature”. The study aims to ​compare the effects of exposure to a natural campus setting via immersive virtual reality (VR) using a 360 degree video and VR headset, ​in comparison to exposure to the same nature space in a real world setting.

Left: a screenshot of the 360 degree nature video watched by participant. Right: a participant ​interacting with the VR nature video

Specific outcomes of interest are changes in the stress related hormone cortisol, and self-reported measures of stress and feelings of ​well being. The study is being funded through the CHHS Research Support Funding program through the CHHS Dean’s office.

For more information, please contact Joan Cowdery.

Student Highlights

Kat Hacanyan

Kat Hacanyan Contributes to 5 ​days in may oral history project

Kat Hacanyan, current graduate Student in Preservation Studies and Anthropology ​alum, has been working on a project that follows the demands that were brought to ​the administration of Eastern Michigan University in 1969 by the Black Student ​Association and the occupation of Pierce Hall that followed. These incidents were ​amplified after the Kent State shootings of 1970, and the project highlights the ​social impact that followed these events and others across the country.

Read more about Hacanyan and the ‘5 Days in May’ project on the CAS Newsletter.

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Institutional Priority #3

Service and Engagement

an old black and white photo of a theater

EMU Historic Preservation work ​continues with civil rights survey

Following their awarded grant from the National Parks Service, EMU’s Historic ​Preservation department continues its efforts to catalog and safeguard significant ​historic sites in Detroit

Dan Bonenberger, professor at EMU’s Historic Preservation department and head of ​the project, recently spoke with WEMU about the importance of locating and ​preserving homes and properties that influential Black leaders and activists once lived ​in.

Sites such as the home of Malcolm X, the home of Gladys Mitchell, wife of Dr. Ossian ​Sweet, and many others are all the focus of the preservation project. Additionally, by ​collaborating with Detroit neighbors and community elders, Bonenberger’s team has ​located additional sites significant to the project.

Upcoming Events

the logo for new beginnings 2024 building connections conference

2024 New Beginnings Conference

Location: EMU Student Center

Time/Date: August 22, 2024 @ 8:30 AM - 12:45 PM

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The Faculty Development Center and the Office of Campus & Community Writing are proud to once again host this ​year's New Beginnings Teaching Conference. This year’s conference will focus on “Building Connections.” We invite all ​members of the EMU community to join us and be inspired by new ideas - especially ones that enhance our ​understanding of creating connections with our colleagues, students, and community. We’ll have an innovative keynote ​address (20 Ideas in 20 Minutes), interactive concurrent sessions, and a Gallery of Ideas. Join us to engage with ​colleagues, learn new things, and get the fall 2024 semester off to a great start. We look forward to welcoming you all ​back to campus!

We are now accepting proposals to present at the 2024 conference. See below for relevant links.

Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition (SEMIS) ​Hosts Annual Place-Based Community Forum

a group of kids standing around a table with some Up Cycle presentation items on it

Over 300 students, teachers, parents, ​administrators, and community members ​gathered together at the EMU Student Center on ​Tuesday, May 23 to celebrate students' place-​based learning efforts and community action.

This invigorating day consisted of 44 student ​presentations from 12 schools across Detroit, ​Dearborn, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, and Dexter, ​showcasing student-led projects ranging from ​stormwater investigation and management on ​school campuses to transforming a vacant lot into ​an outdoor classroom - and many more!

The strength of the SEMIS Community Forum is its focus on student voices and student-led sessions. The ​Forum provides students and educators with the opportunity to share their work in a conference setting, with ​students in the position of educators. Sessions led by youth provide leadership and presenting opportunities ​for students, as well as learning between SEMIS Coalition member schools, families, and communities.

The SEMIS Coalition has built transformative partnerships among teachers, students, ​local organizations, and community members since 2008. Learn more about the ​SEMIS Coalition, the Annual Community Forum, or Place-Based Education on the ​SEMIS Coalition webpage!

Upward Bound Summer Academy Engages High ​Schools on EMU’s Campus

Eastern Michigan University’s Upward Bound's Summer Academy opened on Sunday, June 23 with ​students moving into Walton Hall. The students look forward to fun workshops and an enriching core ​curriculum while living on campus and visiting colleges across the state.

"I learn new things and have great experiences about ​how college will be.” - Leroy Spann, Junior at Ypsilanti ​Community High School

Rising seniors received internships around campus in places like the Engage@EMU office and in the ​University Advising and Career Development Center, while students who will be in the 9th grade build ​relationships with upperclassmen that help the students ensure success.

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Institutional Priority #4

Institutional Effectiveness


our Dust

The Halle Library renovation is well underway and remains open for patronage. While the renovation crew works to ​update and improve the first floor, please excuse the evolving construction process this summer.

Hall Library Summer Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 9pm

Friday: 8am - 5pm

Saturday: 9am - 6pm

Sunday: 12pm - 9pm

Look forward to the official unveiling of our newly updated facility in September!

The Halle Library is Open During Renovation!

Do you know a student who stopped out of EMU?

We want to hear from them!

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We would like to speak with students who have stopped out or returned from ​2019 - 2023. Participation in our Focus Groups will play a pivotal role in ​identifying key factors influencing student retention. Join us in driving ​meaningful change that will positively impact current and future students’ ​educational journeys.

A $75 stipend will be given for successful participation.

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Focus Groups will be ​conducted both virtually ​and in-person from mid-​July to early August. ​Light refreshments will ​be provided during in-​person sessions.


EMU Students who ​stopped out and did not ​return.


EMU Students who ​stopped out and returned ​to EMU

*In the last five years

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Notebook paper background. Paper lines
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Staff & Faculty Highlights

Janet Leppala

Janet Leppala Joins Office of ​Research ​Compliance

We are thrilled to announce that Janet Leppala has joined the Office of ​Research Compliance full time as the new Research Analyst - Compliance. ​Janet brings with her a wealth of experience in research and in human ​subject protection. She is pursuing her Ph.D. in Educational Studies at EMU ​and holds a bachelor's degree in Linguistics and master's degrees in ​Linguistics and French, also from EMU. Janet is excited to continue working ​with faculty and students in supporting their research, expanding her reach ​beyond human subject protections in this new role. Please join us in ​welcoming Janet!

Dr. Miriam Furlan Brighente Featured ​on Feminist Podcast

Women’s and Gender Studies part time lecturer Dr. Miriam Furlan Brighente ​was featured on the podcast Contextualizing Feminist Voices: Teaching with ​the Global Feminisms Project.

Dr. Furlan Brighente is an internationally recognized expert on Paulo Freire ​and feminist popular education. This podcast demonstrates her application ​of her research to her teaching in Women’s and Gender Studies.

Listen to the episode here

Dr. Miriam Furlan Brighente

Office of the Provost

Academic and Student Affairs

Prepared by Andi Pontiff
